Where To Find Me!
Women's Integrative Summit on Health & Wellness - WISH Well Podcast: weekly episodes
From Imposter to Unstoppable Podcast: Dr. Michelle Dang
The Dr. Lam Show Podcast: Integrative Ways of Dealing with Chronic Pain
Thrive Bites Podcast with Colin Zhu, DO: Using Fitness to Relieve Pain with Dr. Michelle Dang
The Podcast with KevinMD: Pain Management's Painfully Fine Line with Dr. Michelle Dang
Doctor Me First: Balance with Dr. Michelle Dang
How Do U Meditate Podcast: Real Talk with Dr. Michelle Dang: How she incorporates mindfulness into her life
Women Innovators in Pain Management (WIPM) Podcast
sheMD blog feature: Empowerment Comes From Within
Texas Pain Society - October 2019
Physicians' Toolbox - Alternatives to Managing Chronic Pain
Elastique Athletics Atelier - January 2020
An Evening Discussing Integrative Medicine
3rd Annual Opioid and Pain Management Conference - February 2020
Inaugural WISH Well Conference (hosting - pending due to COVID-19)